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Beacon school Board weighs appointment There should be nothing secretive about filling the vacancy of...

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FOIL ruling a setback for your right to know The fees that public bodies seek...

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Create statewide rules for public comment periods Coalition President Paul Wolf had the opportunity to...

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Create statewide rules for public comment periods The Schenectady Daily Gazette raises an interesting point...

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Imagine if we could have citizen enforcement of the Open Meetings Law and the Freedom...

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The Constant Battle for Reporters to access Government Information Jim Heaney from Investigative Post in...

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Gavel damaged during argument at new have meeting Imagine being so thin skinned and angry...

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FOIL lawsuit against NYS Health Department Interesting lawsuit by Reclaim the Records against the NY...

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National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC) Summit The National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC) is...

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Sunshine Act Abuse should not be tolerated Due to the Coalition’s efforts, the Open Meetings...