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Wisconsin: Sheriff’s Office closes Raymond School open meeting investigation

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Sheriff’s Office closes Raymond School open meeting investigation
The Racine County Sheriff’s Office has closed its investigation and is not recommending charges regarding an open meeting law complaint against the Raymond School Board.
There are several interesting items in the article below regarding a school board in Wisconsin.
– The District Attorney’s Office referred an open meetings complaint to the Sheriff for investigation. Can’t recall seeing any DA or Sheriff getting involved in an open meetings complaint in NY.
– A violation of state open meetings law in Wisconsin can result in fines of between $25 and $300. In NY there are no such fines.
– Amazing that the school board held a so called “retreat” at one of the members home without any public notice.
– Apparently the school board refused to allow public comment at one of their meetings, so members of the public showed up wearing large sash like stickers that said “silenced”, which was a great way to protest. Some other great signs were “Real Leaders Listen”, “Silenced but Still Roaring”.

The Author

Paul is the founder of the NY Coalition For Open Government and has truly loved seeing it become what it is today and is excited about its future growth.

As an attorney for 32 years, he is a partner in the law firm of Berzer & Wolf. Prior to his private law practice, Paul served in several government positions with the Buffalo Common Council, Buffalo Housing Authority, and Erie County.

When he is not practicing law and doing open government stuff, Paul enjoys spending time with his spouse, Cheryl, and his three children, Michael, Joseph, and Julia. Paul resides in Amherst, NY, a suburb of Buffalo.

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