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Questions & Answers

Did Our Town Board Violate Open Meetings Law By Not Posting Audit Documentation Prior To A Meeting?

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My town board held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, 6/11.

On their agenda for the 6/11 meeting, it was indicated that the meeting would start with a “Discussion of the 2023 Audit”.

I emailed all town board members on Monday 6/10, asking where the public could find this audit information on the town website, for the 6/11 meeting. I never received any reply.
I attended the 6/11 town board meeting and heard the auditor discuss the audit, which I deem to be an external audit.

My basic question is, did the town board violate the Open Meetings Law, by not making this audit information available on the town website 24 hours prior to the 6/11 town board meeting?


If the town board members received a copy of the audit that was discussed prior to the meeting then it should have been posted online 24 hours prior for the public to see as required by the Open Meetings Law. It is a disservice to the public for town board members to be discussing a document that the public has not been able to review.

It is unfortunate that not a single board member took the time to respond to your email.

Looking at the town board agenda I see several resolutions listed, for discussion those should have been posted online 24 hours prior for the public to see as well.

Feel free to share this response with your town board members and local news media. It is important to educate elected officials and sometimes the news media can bring attention to these issues.

