No more secret meetings or vanishing texts: State lawmakers settle alleged transparency violations at Capitol

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Colorado lawmakers settle lawsuit over alleged transparency violations at state Capitol
Two Democratic representatives sued their caucus and its leaders earlier this summer, alleging it routinely violates Open Meetings laws.
Interesting lawsuit and settlement in Colorado. Kudos to the two legislators who sued the leaders of both parties in the Colorado House. The state legislature in Colorado is not allowed to hold secret caucus meetings where just Democrats or just Republicans meet to discuss legislation, but they were doing it anyways.
The settlement agreement entered into ends the practice of illegal meetings and State lawmakers in the House would no longer be allowed to use auto-delete functions on any messaging apps when discussing public business.
In New York elected officials at the state and local level are allowed to have secret caucus meetings under our incredibly weak Open Meetings Law, which should be changed. We also know that government officials are using apps which delete their communications in violation of the Freedom of Information Law.
What do you think the chances are that a Democratic or Republican legislator in New York would sue their leadership over transparency issues?

The Author

Paul is the founder of the NY Coalition For Open Government and has truly loved seeing it become what it is today and is excited about its future growth.

As an attorney for 32 years, he is a partner in the law firm of Berzer & Wolf. Prior to his private law practice, Paul served in several government positions with the Buffalo Common Council, Buffalo Housing Authority, and Erie County.

When he is not practicing law and doing open government stuff, Paul enjoys spending time with his spouse, Cheryl, and his three children, Michael, Joseph, and Julia. Paul resides in Amherst, NY, a suburb of Buffalo.

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