




education vector art


All regular meetings are held via Zoom. We welcome drop-ins of non-members.

Please get in touch with us for login information.

We do come together for occasional in-person social meetings.

Board Meeting / General Meeting

Every 1st Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm. Please contact us for Zoom login information.

Public Relations / Education Committee Meeting

Every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm. Please contact us for Zoom login information.

Open Meetings Law (OML) Committee Meeting

Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm. Please contact us for Zoom login information.

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Committee Meeting

Every 4th Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm. Please contact us for Zoom login information.


We have a quarterly Zoom Socializer. Please contact us for dates and Zoom login information.

In-Person Meetings

We occasionally meet in-person to socialize and geek out about government transparency issues. The dates will be posted on the calendar. 

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Event Calendar