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As The Leaves Are Changing – What Has (and Has Not) Changed with the FOIA?...

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New York City: How to File a Freedom of Information Law Request and Avoid Process...

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Access to public records is ‘deteriorating terribly’ This is an interesting article regarding issues occurring...

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Wisconsin: Sheriff’s Office closes Raymond School open meeting investigation There are several interesting items in...

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You have the right to record a public meeting You have the right to record...

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Local Buget Process It is budget time for local governments across NY State. Public hearings...

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Courtland Memo of Law An interesting open meetings lawsuit has been filed in Cortland County...

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Muckrock SEJ Workshop For folks involved with environmental issues you may be interested in the...

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Executive Meeting Training Session The president of the New York Coalition for Open Government, Paul...

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Buffalo paralegal Nathan Feist wins lawsuit against the City of Buffalo for denied FOIL Requesting...